FAQS of Mushroom

Microdose FAQs

You asked, we answered

What is a microdose of magic mushrooms?

Microdosing  involves taking a small amount of the active ingredient psilocybin, typically 1/10 to 1/20th of an average dose. This amount is usually too small to have any hallucinogenic effects, although some users may experience subtle changes in their thinking or perception.

How do I take a microdose of magic mushrooms?

Silo Sanctuary Microdose comes as capsules that are filled with ground mushroom powder.

What are the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms? 

The reported benefits of microdosing include improvements in not only focus and creativity but also energy levels and motivation. Other reported effects include reduced anxiety and stress levels, improved sleep quality, better social connections and relationships, and better problem solving and decision making.

How often can I microdose magic mushrooms?

The microdosing schedule will depend on the strength and type of mushrooms, but generally involves taking a microdose every 2 - 3 days for a period of 1 - 3 months.

Can I microdose magic mushrooms every day?

Some people do choose to microdose every day but it is recommended to microdose every 2 - 3 days. We advise listening to your intuition and using your personal judgement to decide what is the right schedule for you. 

Can I microdose for longer than 3 months? 

Yes! Depending on your intention and how your body and mind feels, you can choose to microdose longer then the recommended 3 months safely. 

Is Microdosing addictive? 
Psilocybin, the active component of magic mushrooms, is not considered to be addictive. 

How long does the effects of a microdose of magic mushrooms last?

The immediate effects of a microdose can last up to 24 - 48 hours. 

What time of day should I take my Microdose? 

We also recommend to take your microdose first thing in the morning, not at the same time as your morning coffee, or at a consistent time of your choice throughout the day as long it's not with any other stimulants. We encourage you to listen to your body and intuition of when is the best time to consume your microdose and then stick to this routine as much as possible.

Will I experience any side effects from microdosing magic mushrooms?

The effects of magic mushrooms will be different for every individual. While there are little reported ill effects from taking mushrooms it’s important to listen to your body while microdosing. If you feel sick or unwell while microdosing we recommend to consult a healthcare professional. 

Will I feel high from Microdosing? 

The purpose of microdosing is to receive the therapeutic effects of microdosing without the psychedelic trip, so you should not feel ‘high’ or out of control while microdosing but every individual is different. If you do feel high while microdosing we recommend lowering your dosage or stopping all together. 

What should I do if I experience a bad trip while microdosing magic mushrooms?

You should not experience any hallucinogenic effects from microdosing mushrooms but every person is different. If you experience a bad trip, hallucinations or mental stress from microdosing we recommend to lower your dosage or stop immediately and consult a mental health professional. 

Can I microdose magic mushrooms while pregnant or breastfeeding?

There have been no studies done on microdosing mushrooms while pregnant or breastfeeding so we can not recommend this at this time. 

Who should not Microdose? 

We always recommend doing your own research about psilocybin or consulting with a trusted healthcare or wellness professional. 

What is considered a microdose of magic mushrooms?

A microdose of psilocybin is considered under .3 grams. 

What is the recommended dosage of Silo Sanctuary Microdose? 

Details of our microdose formula are coming soon. 

Do you offer in person support with microdosing? 

At this time we do not offer in person support with microdosing but are happy to answer any emails around our microdose product. If you are looking for a deeper connection with magic mushrooms, we can highly recommend our magic mushroom retreat. 

Do you offer any promotions or discounts? 

More details coming soon!

Will my microdose mushrooms expire? 

We recommend storing your microdoses for no more than 9-12 months. 

Where do you ship to? 
More details coming soon!

Why choose Silo Sanctuary Microdose? 
Our unique formula has many benefits over other online brands! More details to come soon. 

What should I expect while Microdosing? 

Every person is different but you can expect to have an improvement in mood, reduced anxiety, better interpersonal relationships and a broadened perspective and through process. 

What if I take more than the recommended dosage? 

Microdosing  involves taking a small amount of the active ingredient psilocybin, typically 1/10 to 1/20th of an average dose. if you take more than the recommended dosage, you may experience hallucinogenic effects. While it is difficult to overdose on magic mushrooms, if you have taken more than 10 x 20 times the dosage please contact your healthcare professional. 

Are there any risks associated with microdosing magic mushrooms?

There are no studies to show any risks associated with microdosing magic mushrooms but every person is different. If you are worried about the effects of magic mushrooms, please consult your health care professional.